1. Yaroslavl State Technical University
2. Upravlenie vneshney trudovoy migracii Glavnogo upravleniya po voprosam migracii MVD Rossii
The relevance of the research topic is due to the contradiction between the innovation activity of organisations and their contribution to regional socio-economic development. Innovation should lead to productivity growth and contribute to the creation of high-productivity jobs. However, the situation in many Russian regions is paradoxical one – despite of high innovation activity of small and medium-sized enterprises their labour productivity remains at the same level or decreases. The purpose of the research is to assess the impact of innovations on labour productivity for the Russian economy on the example of the Central Federal District regions. The paper verifies the hypothesis on the presence of statistically significant relationship between the indicators characterising the innovation activity of small and medium-sized enterprises, the index of labour productivity, and the growth of high-productive jobs in the Central Federal District regions through the methods of economic and mathematical modelling. According to the research results, the parameters of small and medium-sized enterprises innovation activity do not have a significant impact on the dynamics of socio-economic development of the Central Federal District regions.
Yaroslavl State Technical University