Let $(M,P\nabla_M)$ be a compact projective manifold and $Aut(M,P\nabla_M)$ its group of automorphisms. The purpose of this paper is to study the topological properties of $(M,P\nabla_M)$ if $Aut(M,P\nabla_M))$ is not discrete by applying the results of [13] and the Benzekri's functor which associates to a projective manifold a radiant affine manifold. This enables us to show that the orbits of the connected component of $Aut(M,P\nabla_M)$ are immersed projective submanifolds. We also classify $3$-dimensional compact projective manifolds such that $dim(Aut(M,P\nabla_M))\geq 2$.
Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática
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