Let $K$ be a pure number field with $\alpha$ a complex root of a monic irreducible polynomial $F(x) = x^{120}-m \in \mathbb{Z}[x]$ with $ m \neq \pm 1 $. In this paper, we study the monogenity of $K$. More precisely, we prove that if $m$ is square-free, $m \not \equiv 1\md{4}$, $m \not \equiv \pm 1 \md{9} $, and $\ol{m}\not \in \{ \mp 1, 7, 18 \} \md {25}$, then $K$ is monogenic. On the other hand, if $m \equiv 1\md{4}$, $m \equiv 1 \md{9} $, or $m \equiv 1 \md{25}$, then $K$ is not monogenic. Our results are illustrated by some computational examples.
Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática