Odvrácená strana transparentnosti


Špačková Michala


Man proposes, God disposes and so the legal norms sometimes do not work according to the intention of the legislator. Application complications can be caused by both “paper kites”, i.e. toothless standards lacking material sanctions, and also “rubber rules” characterised by the excess of flexibility on the one hand and a deficit of normative effect on the other. A delicate problem can be also caused by norms, the application of which can lead to unintended consequences. The latter category is addressed in this paper, which focuses on some of the implications of the application of a shareholder’s right to information. The homeopathic amount of information that is normally provided to shareholders can sometimes lead to false optimism about the company’s financial situation. However, as will be discussed in the article below, the excess of information provided by companies can be just as harmful. This problem will be specifically illustrated by the example of informing about the remuneration provided (not only) to the company’s executives.


Masaryk University Press

Reference20 articles.

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2. BAUMS, T. Zur Offenlegung von Vorstandsvergütungen. Zeitschrift für das Gesamte Handels- und Wirtschaftsrecht. 2005, č. 169.

3. BEBCHUK, L., FRIED, J. Pay without Performance: The Unfulfilled Promise of Executive Compensation. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2004.

4. BEJČEK, J. O střetu zájmů podnikatelů a jejich manažerů. Právní rozhledy. 2004, č. 13.

5. DRYGALA, T. Die fehlende Verantwortung des Vorstands für sein Gehalt, oder: Ketzerische Gedanken zur Vergütungsdebatte. Zeitschrift für Rechtspolitik. 2012, roč. 45, č. 6.








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