Extremal number of graphs from geometric shapes


Gao Jun,Janzer Oliver,Liu Hong,Xu Zixiang


We study the Tur\'{a}n problem for highly symmetric bipartite graphs arising from geometric shapes and periodic tilings commonly found in nature. \begin{enumerate} \item The prism $C_{2\ell}^{\square}:=C_{2\ell}\square K_{2}$ is the graph consisting of two vertex disjoint $2\ell$-cycles and a matching pairing the corresponding vertices of these two cycles. We show that for every $\ell\ge 4$, ex$(n,C_{2\ell}^{\square})=\Theta(n^{3/2})$. This resolves a conjecture of He, Li and Feng. \item The hexagonal tiling in honeycomb is one of the most natural structures in the real world. We show that the extremal number of honeycomb graphs has the same order of magnitude as their basic building unit 6-cycles. \item We also consider bipartite graphs from quadrangulations of the cylinder and the torus. We prove near optimal bounds for both configurations. In particular, our method gives a very short proof of a tight upper bound for the extremal number of the 2-dimensional grid, improving a recent result of Brada\v{c}, Janzer, Sudakov and Tomon. \end{enumerate} Our proofs mix several ideas, including shifting embedding schemes, weighted homomorphism and subgraph counts and asymmetric dependent random choice.


Masaryk University Press








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