Diatoms of phytoplankton in rivers in the south of the taiga zone within the catchment area of the Middle Volga


Kulizin Pavel V.1ORCID,Vodeneeva Ekaterina L.1ORCID,Sharagina Ekaterina M.1ORCID,Okhapkin Alexander G.1ORCID


1. Lobachevsky University, Institute of biology and biomedicine, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia


The present research provides information on the taxonomic composition and some indicators of the quantitative development of diatoms in the phytoplankton of the left-bank tributaries of the river Volga basin. It was shown that the flora of the studied rivers is diatom-green-euglenic. In the taxonomic composition of diatoms, the leading genera Navicula, Nitzschia, Pinnularia, Gomphonema etc. were noted. The use of electron microscopy made it possible to expand significantly the list of centric diatom species, some of which were recorded for the first time in the flora of the studied rivers. At present, both planktonic and benthic invasive species of diatoms have been identified.


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