Economic and Managerial Aspects of Energy Efficiency of Economic Entities in Territorial Communities


Perebyynis V.1ORCID,Rogoza M.2ORCID,Bezruk D.1,Vitriuk N.1


1. Poltava University of Economics and Trade

2. Institute of Industrial Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv


The theoretical and methodological principles of the formation of energy efficiency management have been clarified. The concepts of “energy efficiency of technical systems”, “energy efficiency of biological systems”, “energy efficiency of socio-economic systems”, “energy efficiency of a business entity”, and “energy efficiency of a territorial community” have been distinguished. It has been proven that increasing the energy efficiency of economic entities in the context of territorial community development should not allow: deterioration of working conditions of economic entity’s personnel and life safety of residents of communities (imperative of the human factor); complication of the ecological situation on the community territory (ecological imperative); reduction of economic efficiency of a business entity and well-being of the community population (priority of economic assessment). The types of energy effect of the territorial community have been established. The essence of the concepts of “energy saving efficiency of territorial community” and “energy saving effect of territorial community” have been defined. The types of energy saving effect of the territorial community have been reasoned. The fuel flow matrix has been formed. The functional components of the energy efficiency management process have been defined. The directions for optimization of energy flows in territorial communities have been substantiated as follows: the choice of energy supply enterprises; optimization of energy resource delivery routes; substantiation of energy-optimal sizes and structure of the transport fleet of territorial communities and oil industry (if available); optimization of storage stocks of energy resources and their management.


Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine


General Medicine

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