Integrated geophysical observations and information resources of the Kamchatka Branch of the Geophysical Survey of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Kamchatka Peninsula)
Container-title:Russian Journal of Seismology
Chebrov D.V.1, Kopylova G.N.1, Kasimova V.A.1, Makarov E.O.1
1. Kamchatka Branch of the Geophysical Survey of Russian Academy of Sciences (KB GS RAS)
The article presents data on the types of observations and information resources of the Kamchatka Branch of the Geophysical Survey of the Russian Academy of Sciences (as of 2022), which can be used by scientific and educational organizations of the Russian Federation for studying precursors and developing methods for predicting earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, solving a wide range of research tasks in the field of geophysical monitoring of seismically active areas and others. Information resources and observation
data are illustrated on the example of the Unified Information System of Seismological Data of the KB GS RAS and time series data of meteorological, hydrogeological observations and observations of volumetric radon activity in the soil gas at the Moroznaya station.
Geophysical Survey of the Russian Academy of Sciences - GS RAS
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