MUYAKAN EARTHQUAKE SEQUENCE in 2015 (Northern Baikal Region)


Gileva N.1,Melnikova V.2ORCID,Filippova A.3,Radziminovich Ya.2ORCID,Kobeleva E.1


1. Baikal branch GS RAS, Irkutsk

2. Baikal branch GS RAS, Irkutsk; Institute of the Earth’s crust SB RAS, Irkutsk

3. Pushkov Institute of terrestrial magnetism, ionosphere and radio wave propagation RAS Moscow, Troitsk


We present the results of studies of the seismic regime, focal mechanisms, and macroseismic data in the area of the largest Muyakan activation in 2015 (northern Baikal region). Due to the deployment of a network of temporary seismic stations, the number of registered earthquakes (KR≥3) increased significantly in 2015 and reached  30 thousand. Spatio-temporal development of the considered activation is characterized by stable low values of earthquake hypocenters and dividing the epicentral field into two clusters – eastern and north-western ones. Both clusters are connected with local stress-strain field (rift type and strike-slip, respectively), while the general regime of seismotectonic deformations of the crust in the activation area, calculated from the statistical analysis of 77 focal mechanisms of Muyakan earthquakes (KR≥9.2), demonstrates the predominance of submeri-dional horizontal extension. Macroseismic effects from the largest earthquakes of the Muyakan sequence were felt, predominantly, in Severomuysk settlement (=10–15 km, I=5). New data on strong motions, obtained from the records of the seismic station with the same name, have significantly complemented the database for the territory of the north-eastern flank of the Baikal rift zone. In general, the obtained results could be used to clarify the seismic hazard of the considered area and to improve the instrumental part of seismic scales.


Geophysical Survey of the Russian Academy of Sciences - GS RAS

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