1. Melissa Ross Bowen, MDiv, OTD, OTR/L, is Academic Fieldwork Coordinator, School of Occupational Therapy Assistant, Baptist Health College Little Rock, Little Rock, AR; melissa.bowen@baptist-health.org
2. Joan Augustyn, OTD, OTR/L, is Wellness Provider, Children’s Services Fund, Liberty, Missouri, Public Schools. At the time of this research, Augustyn was Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Occupational Therapy Education, University of Kansas Medical Center School of Health Professions, Kansas City.
3. Leah Fisher, OTD, OTR/L, is Occupational Therapist, Menorah Medical Center, Overland Park, KS. At the time of this research, Fisher was OTD Student, Department of Occupational Therapy Education, University of Kansas Medical Center School of Health Professions, Kansas City.
4. Lisa Mische Lawson, PhD, CTRS, FDRT, is Professor and Therapeutic Science Program Director, Department of Occupational Therapy Education, University of Kansas Medical Center School of Health Professions, Kansas City.