Technical deviations that generate medicines return: in the distributor in the southeast of Goiás


Silva Larissa Juliana Patrocínio da1ORCID,Rosalem Vagner1ORCID


1. Universidade Federal de Goiás, Brasil


Abstract Not all medicines received in the laboratory by distribution are in accordance. The purpose of the article was to identify concerning the technical and financial aspects that generate returns in a distributor of medicines through documentary analysis of company records for the period from 2014 to 2015. Using this analysis, a spreadsheet was made with the types of technical deviations, such as breakdowns, lacks, short shelf life, divergence of lot, product exchange, packaging errors (lack of seal, lot printing error, shelf life printing error, faulty packing) and surplus product, product name, quantity, class, lot, laboratory, price and shelf life. A mapping of the processes was done, from the purchase of medicines to the receiving and storage of it by the company. Seven types of technical deviations were found, and its characteristics were presented. The total value of the loss to the distributor due to technical deviations was in total R$914,864.57 for the period between 2014 and 2015. It was also presented a proposal for a checklist to be used by distributors of medicines.




Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering,Business and International Management

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