The scientific world calls for a Synthesis-of-Science (SoS) for better coordination of the common human efforts for a better world. The best approaches today are compoundings by headlines without any common internal structure and original conclusions. Neuroeconomic Psychology (NeP) is the micro part of SoS, where risk-willingness orders the Big5 Taxonomy replacing the mainstream paradigm of Bounded Rationality. This study complements the micro level NeP with a Universal Technology Assessment (UTA) synthesizing the macro level. UTA extends technology assessment in healthcare including the Ecosystem identifying the following macroeconomic targets for implementing a sustainable development: A broad international Tariff on CO2 emissions (ET) to accelerate transition to a carbon neutral economy. Universal Basic Income (UBI) for equalization of income. Point 1-2 serve the 17 UN Goals on Sustainable Development and is acceptable for collaboration across-the-center to moderate majority of both democratic wings. Meditative in-depth-relaxation serves stress-management. Eventually in combination with neurofeedback. Better mutual understanding between genders is requested, because neuroeconomics shows that females are risk-averse while males are risk-willing. Alternatives to SoS are discussed. No one is contradictory, but the most are complementary.