Birth weight of Roma neonates: biomedical and socioeconomic factors in Hungary


Balázs Péter1,Fogarasi-Grenczer Andrea2,Rákóczi Ildikó3,Foley Kristie L.4


1. Semmelweis Egyetem, Általános Orvostudományi Kar Népegészségtani Intézet Budapest Nagyvárad tér 4. 1089

2. Semmelweis Egyetem, Egészségtudományi Kar Családgondozási Módszertani Tanszék Budapest

3. Debreceni Egyetem Egészségügyi Gondozás és Prevenció Alapszak, Koordinációs Egység Nyíregyháza

4. Davidson College Medical Humanities Program Davidson NC USA


Introduction: The last Hungarian study on birth weight of Roma neonates published in 1991 indicated –377 gram crude difference as compared to the general population. Exploration of this complex problem requires more sophisticated, multifactorial linear regression analysis. Aim: To compare Roma and non-Roma maternal and neonatal populations using biomedical and socioeconomic variables focusing on differences in the birth weight of the neonates. Method: Data collection with self-identified ethnicity was performed between 2009 and 2012 in five north and eastern counties of Hungary. The authors used the IBM-SPSS v.22 program for Chi-square and t-probe and linear regression analysis. Results: In the sample of Roma (n = 3103) and non-Roma (n = 8918) populations there was a disadvantage in birth weight in Roma neonates by 294 gram in crude terms, but the linear regression model reduced it to 92 gram by the ethnic variable. Conclusions: Biological (genetic) impact on the weight difference cannot be excluded, however, the multifactorial statistical analysis indicates the priority of socioeconomic factors and behavioural patterns. Orv. Hetil., 2014, 155(24), 954–962.


Akademiai Kiado Zrt.


General Medicine

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