Live oribatid mites of the family Malaconothridae were found on Salmo spp. parr caught in the rivers of Northwest Russia. The mites were localised in the gill filaments and enclosed in connective tissue capsules. The encapsulation was accompanied by hyperplasia and displacement of the respiratory epithelium. One mite specimen was an adult female, while all the other specimens were protonymphs. The adult female and one protonymph specimen were identified as Tyrphonothrus sp. Other protonymphs could be identified only at the family level. The obtained partial 18S rDNA sequence of one protonymph was 100% identical to that of Tyrphonothrus maior (NCBI accession No. KY922215). This is the first report of living malaconothrid mites encapsulated in fish gills, and the phenomenon may assume parasitic behaviour. However, the nature of the relationship between the mites and the fish requires further investigations.
ENI-CBC Kolarctic
KO1017 ‘Salmonid Fish and Freshwater Pearl Mussel – Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity in the Green Belt of Fennoscandia
Russian Science Foundation