1. Bejczy Antal iRobottechnikai Központ, Óbudai Egyetem Budapest, Bécsi út 96/B, 1034
2. Mechatronika, Optika és Gépészeti Informatika Tanszék, Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem Budapest
Abstract: The laparoscopic minimally invasive surgical technique is widely employed on a global scale. However, the efficient and ethical teaching of this technique requires equipment for surgical simulation. These educational devices are present on the market in the form of box trainers and virtual reality simulators, or some combination of those. In this article, we present a systematic overview of commercially available surgical simulators describing the most important features of each product. Our overview elaborates on box trainers and virtual reality simulators, and also touches on surgical robotics simulators, together with operating room workflow simulators, for the sake of completeness. Apart from presenting educational tools, we evaluated the literature of laparoscopic surgical education and simulation, to provide a complete picture of the unfolding trends in this field. Orv Hetil. 2017; 158(40): 1570–1576.
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3 articles.