On the volume product of planar polar convex bodies — Lower estimates with stability


Böröczky K.,Makai E.1,Meyer M.2,Reisner S.3


1. 2 Hungarian Academy of Sciences Alfréd Rényi Mathematical Institute H-1364 Budapest Pf. 127 Hungary

2. 3 Université de Marne-la-Vallée, Cité Descartes Équipe d’Analyse et de Mathématiques Appliquées 5, boulevard Descartes, Champs-sur-Marne 77454 Marne-la-Vallée Cedex 2 France

3. 4 University of Haifa Department of Mathematics Haifa 31905 Israel


Let K ⊂ ℝ2 be an o-symmetric convex body, and K* its polar body. Then we have |K| · |K*| ≧ 8, with equality if and only if K is a parallelogram. (|·| denotes volume). If K ⊂ ℝ2 is a convex body, with o ∈ int K, then |K| · |K*| ≧ 27/4, with equality if and only if K is a triangle and o is its centroid. If K ⊂ ℝ2 is a convex body, then we have |K| · |[(KK)/2)]*| ≧ 6, with equality if and only if K is a triangle. These theorems are due to Mahler and Reisner, Mahler and Meyer, and to Eggleston, respectively. We show an analogous theorem: if K has n-fold rotational symmetry about o, then |K| · |K*| ≧ n2 sin2(π/n), with equality if and only if K is a regular n-gon of centre o. We will also give stability variants of these four inequalities, both for the body, and for the centre of polarity. For this we use the Banach-Mazur distance (from parallelograms, or triangles), or its analogue with similar copies rather than affine transforms (from regular n-gons), respectively. The stability variants are sharp, up to constant factors. We extend the inequality |K| · |K*| ≧ n2 sin2(π/n) to bodies with o ∈ int K, which contain, and are contained in, two regular n-gons, the vertices of the contained n-gon being incident to the sides of the containing n-gon. Our key lemma is a stability estimate for the area product of two sectors of convex bodies polar to each other. To several of our statements we give several proofs; in particular, we give a new proof for the theorem of Mahler-Reisner.


Akademiai Kiado Zrt.


General Mathematics

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