The Wood, Cayley, Godwin and Shaw fields, Blocks 22/17s, 22/18a and 22/22a, UK North Sea


Baldwin A.1ORCID


1. Repsol Sinopec Resources UK Limited, 163 Holburn Street, Aberdeen AB10 6BZ, UK


AbstractThe Upper Jurassic Wood, Godwin, Shaw and Cayley fields lie in Quadrant 22 on the Forties–Montrose High (FMH), a major intra-basinal high bisecting the Central Graben. The Wood Field was the first to be discovered in 1996 by Amoco. The field was later developed by Talisman Energy in 2007 via a single subsea horizontal producer tied back to the Montrose Alpha Platform. The Cayley, Godwin and Shaw discoveries followed during a drilling campaign carried out by Talisman Energy between 2007 and 2009 and were later developed, with the last field coming online in 2017. The fields are all complex structural and stratigraphic traps with reservoir in the Fulmar Formation. The Fulmar Formation on the FMH records an overall transgression, becoming progressively younger updip, with each field exhibiting a different diagenetic and depositional history in response to the unique evolution of the inter-pod in which they reside. The combined oil in place for the fields is currently estimated at 222 MMboe with an expected ultimate recovery of 84 MMboe. The addition of these reserves has been instrumental in helping to extend the life of the Montrose and Arbroath Platforms beyond 2030.


Geological Society of London



Cited by 6 articles. 订阅此论文施引文献 订阅此论文施引文献,注册后可以免费订阅5篇论文的施引文献,订阅后可以查看论文全部施引文献

1. Chapter 5. Sequence stratigraphy scheme for the uppermost Middle Jurassic–lowermost Cretaceous of the North Sea area;Geological Society, London, Memoirs;2023-05-05

2. Chapter 11. North Sea Basin Jurassic lithostratigraphy;Geological Society, London, Memoirs;2023-05-04

3. Chapter 6. Seismic expression of North Sea Jurassic sequences;Geological Society, London, Memoirs;2023-05-02

4. The Brechin Field, Block 22/23a, UK North Sea;Geological Society, London, Memoirs;2020

5. The Birgitta Field, Block 22/19a, UK North Sea;Geological Society, London, Memoirs;2020







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