The provenance of Middle Jurassic to Cretaceous sediments in the Irish and Celtic Sea Basins: tectonic and environmental controls on sediment sourcing


McCarthy Odhrán1ORCID,Fairey Brenton2ORCID,Meere Patrick1,Chew David3ORCID,Kerrison Aidan4,Wray David5ORCID,Hofmann Mandy6,Gärtner Andreas6,Sonntag Benita-Lisette6,Linnemann Ulf6,Kuiper Klaudia F.7ORCID


1. School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Science and iCRAG, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland

2. Chemostrat, Welshpool, UK

3. Department of Geology and iCRAG, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

4. School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, QLD, Australia

5. School of Science, University of Greenwich, Kent ME4 4TB, UK

6. Museum für Mineralogie und Geologie, Senckenberg Naturhistorische Sammlungen Dresden, Königsbrücker Landstraße 159, Dresden D-01109, Germany

7. Department of Earth Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, De Boelelaan 1085, Amsterdam NL-1081 HV, The Netherlands


The Jurassic and Cretaceous sedimentary infill of the Irish and Celtic Sea Basins is intimately associated with the breakup of the supercontinent Pangea, and the opening of the Atlantic margin. Previous basin studies have constrained tectonism, basin uplift and sediment composition, but sediment provenance and routing have not received detailed consideration. Current hypotheses for basin infill suggest localized sediment sourcing throughout the Jurassic and Cretaceous, despite a dynamic tectonic and palaeoenvironmental history spanning more than 100 million years. We present detrital zircon, white mica and apatite geochronology alongside heavy mineral data from five basins. Findings reveal that basin infill derived predominantly from distal sources with lesser periods of local sourcing. We deduce that tectonically induced marine transgression and regression events had a first-order control on distal v. proximal sedimentary sourcing. Additionally, tectonism which uplifted the Fastnet Basin region during the Middle–Late Jurassic recycled basin sediments into the connected Celtic and Irish Sea Basins. Detrital geochronology and heavy mineral evidence support three distinct provenance switches throughout the Jurassic and Cretaceous in these basins. Overall an integrated multi-proxy provenance approach provides novel insights to tectonic and environmental controls on basin infill as demonstrated in the Irish and Celtic Sea Basins.Supplementary material: Tables S1–S6 are available at


Science Foundation Ireland

Irish Shelf Petroleum Studies Group


Geological Society of London



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1. Continental evolution from detrital mineral petrochronology;Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences;2024







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