1. 1. Atkinson A. , ‘The Time-Dependence of the pH within a Repository for Radioactive Waste Disposal’, AERE-Report, AERE-R 11777 (1985).
2. 7. Berner U. , Jacobsen J. , McKinley I.G. , ‘The Near-Field Chemistry of a Swiss L-ILW Repository’, presented at NEA/NAGRA workshop on near-field assessment of repositories for low- and medium-level waste, 23–25th November 1987.
3. 2. Berner U. , ‘Modelling the Incongruent Dissolution of Hydrated Cement Minerals’, Radiochimica Acta, Proc. Int. Conf. ‘Migration 87’.
4. Evolution of the Groundwater Chemistry Around a Nuclear Waste Repository.
5. 3. Sharland S.M. , ‘The Evolution of the pH in the Cementitous Components of a Model Nuclear Waste Repository’, TP Report TP 1160 (1986).