1. 3. Economic Feasibility of Using Fly Ash in the Ceramic and Concrete/Cement Industries. Report prepared for Energy Development Board of Mercer County, North Dakota, by Resources Planning Associates, Inc., Washington, D.C. (From U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Agency, Project No. 05–06-0–1878, and U.S. Department of Energy, Buildings and Community Systems Division, Contract No. DE-FG03–80DS20028). 112 pp.
2. Utilization of by-products from western coal combustion in the manufacture of mineral wool and other ceramic materials
3. 7. Vroom Alan H. U.S. Patent 4, 058, 500, November 15, 1983.
4. 2. Communication: Ericksen R.L. Basin Electric Power Cooperative to G. Groenewold, NDMMRD, December 20, 1983.