1. 4. Chabinsky I.J. , “The Practice of Microwave Preheating Rubber Prep Stocks in Compression and Transfer Molding Operations,” Rubber World, April 1983.
2. 2. Chabinsky I.J. , Eves E.E. , “The Application of Microwave Energy in Drying, Calcining and Firing of Ceramics,” Interceran, No. 6, 1986.
3. 5. Chabinsky I.J. , “Microwave Preheating, Curing Save Energy,” presented to the Blue Ridge Rubber Group, 24 Oct 1980.
4. 1. Chabinsky I.J. , “A Microwave Energy Enhanced Slip Casting System,” presented at the American Society 88th Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, April 2- May 1, 1986.
5. 3. Chabinsky I.J. , “Microwave Continuous Curing Speeds Production, Save Money,” August 15, 1983, RPN Technical Notebook, Edited by Rudy School.