1. 4. Fuller J.A. , Taylor T.S. , Elfe T.B. , and Hill G.N. , Dielectric Properties of Ceramics for Millimeter-Wave Tubes, Technical Report AFWAL-TR-84-1005, Air Force Avionics Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, February 1984.
2. 3. Westphal W.B. , Dielectric Constant and Loss Data, Technical Report AFML-TR-74-250, Part II (December 1975), Part III (May 1977), Part IV (December 1980), Air Force Materials Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB.
3. Temperature Dependence of Dielectric Constants of Cubic Ionic Compounds
4. 5. Ho W. , High Temperature Millimeter-Wave Characterization of the Dielectric Properties of Advanced Window Materials, Final Report, TR82-28, Army Material and Mechanic Research Center, May 1982; Millimeter-Wave Dielectric Property Measurement of Gyrotron Window Materials, Technical Report ORNL/SUB-83-519261/1 (April 1984), ORNL/SUB-83-51 926/2 (April 1985), Oak Ridge National Laboratory; High Temperature Dielectric Property Testing of Sensor Window Materials, Final Report, N60921-81-C-0295, Naval Surface Warfare Center, MAY 1986; Characterization of Dielectric Properties of Candidate Antenna Window Materials, Final Report, DAAG46-82-C-0022, Army Material and Mechanic Research Center, October 1987.