1. Research Institute for Healthcare Organization and Medical Management of Moscow Healthcare Department
Introduction. The potential of using big data analytics in the management system of healthcare organizations is of interest to healthcare managers, with a notable emphasis from the research community on the correlation between the incorporation of big data analytics and its advantages for healthcare organizations, particularly in terms of resource allocation and operational efficiency.
The purpose of the study was to summarize scientific data characterizing the potential of big data analytics on healthcare organizations' management practices.
Materials and Methods. A comprehensive search was conducted across PubMed, eLibrary, CyberLeninka and ScienceDirect databases, as well as the World Health Organization datasets, covering the use of big data analytics in healthcare. In this study, keyword and phrase searching on the following requests was performed: ”big data in healthcare organization management”, “big data analytics in healthcare”, “big data”, “analytics”, “management”, “healthcare”.
Results. The study involved an in-depth analysis and consolidation of both general and specific aspects of the potential of big data analytics in the management practices of healthcare organizations. The benefits of big data analytics implementation in personnel management, as well as its efficiency in prognosing the number of referrals to emergency departments and tracking the prescription and intake of medications, were identified.
Research Institute for Healthcare Organization and Medical Management
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