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2. Obukhov E. V. (2016) Evaluation of the Effect of the Vertical Component on the Intensity of the External Water Exchange of the Kremenchug Reservoir. ?nnovats?in? tekhnolog?? ta ?ntensif?kats?ya rozvitku nats?onal'nogo virobnitstva: mater?ali ?? m?zhnar. nauk.-prakt. ?ntern.-konf. [Innovative Technologies and Intensification of National Production Development: Proceedings of the II International Scientific-and-Practical Conference, Ternopil, October 20-21, 2015]. Ternopil, Krok, 324–326 (in Ukranian).
3. Obukhov E. V. (2015). Assessing the Intensity of External Water Exchange of the Kakhovka Reservoir in the Conditions of Climate Change. Nats?onal'ne virobnitstvo i ekonom?ka v umovakh reformuvannya: stan ? perspektivi ?nnovats?inogo rozvitku ta m?zhreg?onal'no? ?ntegrats??: zb. nauk. prats' M?zhnar. nauk.-prakt. ?ntern.-konf. [National Production and Economy in the Conditions of Reforming: the State and Prospects of Innovative Development and Interregional Integration: Collected Research Papers of the International Scientific-and-Practical Conference, Kamyanets-Podilsky, October 30, 2015]. Ternopil, Krok, 280–282 (in Ukranian).
4. Obukhov E. V. (2015) External Water Exchange of the Reservoirs of the Dnieper Cascade. Chistyi GOROD. Chistaya REKA. Chistaya PLANETA: materialy 6 mezhdunar. ekolog. foruma [Clean CITY. Clean RIVER. Clean PLANET: Proceedings of the 6th International Ecological Forum, Kherson, 19-20 Nov. 2015]. Kherson, The Kherson Chamber of Commerce, 140–146 (in Russian).
5. Obukhov E. V. (2015) External Water Exchange of the Dniester Reservoir. Dosyagnennya nauki v 2015 rots?: mater?ali M?zhnar. nauk.-prakt. konf. T. 2 [Science Achievements in 2015: Proceedings of the International Scientific-and-Practical Conference, Kyiv, 19 December 2015. Vol. 2]. Kyiv, "Veles" Center of Scientific Publications, 31–38 (in Russian).