Mollusc Diversity of Hard Substrate Habitats of Gökçeada Island




1. Canakkale Onsekiz mart Üniversity

2. Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi


In the present study, molluscs diversity between 0-0.5 m depths of the hard substrate habitats of Gökçeada coasts was investigated qualitatively and quantitatively, seasonally, and monthly in 2010 and 2011. In addition, in summer months of 2021, samples were taken to investigate the mucilage impact on the mollusc fauna, which occurred in the Marmara Sea in 2021 and affected Gökçeada coasts due to the currents. A total of 76 mollusc species were identified and 27 of the determined species are new records for Gökçeada. Among the found species, while Cardita calyculata (Linnaeus, 1758) was the most dominant species at the Yıldız Koy station sampled monthly, Musculus costulatus (Risso, 1826) was the dominant one at all other sampling stations. The Tepeköy station was found to has the highest number of species and individuals. As the main reason for this can be indicate the limited human access to the region and the presence of various habitats. Mollusc species diversity, which was detected in 2010 due to the pouring of sand for tourists by the municipality at Yıldız Koy station, was found to be increased greatly in 2021 after this practice was abandoned. It was also detected that the mollusc species distributed on the coasts of Gökçeada were not acutely affected by the mucilage event occurred in 2021. However, more detailed studies need to be monitoring and report the negative effects that may occur the mucilage event on the species diversity of the region in the coming years.


This project has been funded by Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, ÇOMÜ-BAP projects.


Van Yuzuncu Yil University


Metals and Alloys,Mechanical Engineering,Mechanics of Materials

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