Waste management in potash mining companies


Perevoshchikova Anna A.ORCID,Perevoshchikov Roman D.ORCID,Malyshkina Elizaveta E.ORCID,Mitrakova Natalya V.ORCID


Relevance. Related to the need to carry out environmental protection measures in potash mining areas exposed to the environmental consequences of the impact of multi-tonnage salt waste. Aim. To summarise and analyse the geography of potash mining operations, the environmental impact of these operations, and potash waste management practices. Object. Potash mining waste. Methods. Theoretical and logical analysis of the data. Results. The research considers the geographical distribution of potash deposits and presents the characteristics of potash mining waste using the example of the Verkhnekamskoe Potash Deposit. The paper provides both domestic and foreign analyses of ecological consequences of waste storage on the day surface. Several options for potash mining waste management are analysed. For the management of clay-salt slurry, the most effective approach is its injection into underground horizons, which includes the use of saturated solutions as a fertiliser component, as a part of a product in construction, and in the oil industry. A more comprehensive approach to halite waste management is needed. Waste disposal to waste dumps is relevant due to the presence of mined-out areas on the territory of long-operating enterprises. Reclamation of the salt dump will help to isolate it from atmospheric precipitation, thereby reducing the inflow of saturated water into the environment. Utilising waste for production of construction materials is the most economically and environmentally favourable option. Extracting valuable components, producing fertilisers, concentrates, etc. from waste is the least practical approach due to the ecological and economic expenses involved in acquiring extraction equipment and the repeated generation of waste. The most challenging aspect of reducing waste generation in terms of technology lies in improving mining operations and implementing selective mining.


National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University

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