In the first part of this paper, two programs namely STAT_ADM and STAT_ADT, part of STATISTICA software package were presented. The second part of this paper deals with the third program of STATISTICA package, called STAT-MFD. The STAT-MFD (Statistical Analysis with MultiFactorial Design) is software corresponding to the algorithm developed for mixed factorial experiment, qualitative and quantitative ones. Unlike STAT_ADT, that allows the computer simulation of yarn spinning optimization in a cotton mill (depending on the overall quality of fibers from miscellaneous recipes), STAT-MFD came close to the computer simulation of the processing raw materials within the drafting systems on ring spinning machine. In a different approach this time, count two kind of factors, namely qualitative and quantitative ones, that have to be correlated for the final purpose, which is the yarn spinning optimization for minimum unevenness. This program was also included in the teaching and research activities, as a functional laboratory system at the Faculty of Textiles,- Leather and Industrial Management of Iasi. Ultimate goal of introducing this software as a laboratory system was to support students who have to make interdisciplinary connections, and always have to be aware at addressing the factors that could influence the overall quality of drafting process, so the overall quality of the drafting product, reflected mainly by unevenness. Unevenness is a decisive factor in the textile supply chain because, spinning a yarn with good structural uniformity is a basic condition for obtaining best quality in weaving and / or knitting. STAT-MFD was designed with a user-friendly interface similar with the other two programs, so the students can work based on technological knowledge learned in other courses from the Engineering and Design of Textile Products curriculum, and based on minimal knowledge about the practical use of MultiFactorial Design algorithm.
Carol I National Defence University Publishing House