Ravenna‘daki “Parco Della Pace”: Claude Rahir Tarafından “Le Chaos Et La Source De Vie” Adlı Mozaik Çeşmenin Restorasyonu Dış Mekânlara Açık Çağdaş Sanat Eserlerinin Korunması ve Restorasyonuna Yönelik Modern Yaklaşımlar




1. University of Bologna


The “Parco della Pace” was born in Ravenna in 1988, under the initiative of the Municipality of Ravenna and with the support of International Association of Contemporary Mosaicists (AIMC) and UNESCO. Considered a real open-air museum, it preserves nine monumental works of contemporary mosaic made by internationally renowned artists. A plan for the redevelopment and enhancement of the entire park has recently been approved: the agreement between the Municipality of Ravenna, the University of Bologna, the Flaminia Foundation, and the RavennAntica Foundation made possible the restoration of the fountain mosaic “Le chaos et la source de vie” by Claude Rahir, realized in 1984. The first part of the intervention focused on a careful study of the archival documentation that provides an understanding of the artist’s spirit and volition. The restoration techniques, put in place to re-establish the artwork compromised by years of neglect and vandalization, have allowed us to compare products and methodologies now standardized with others of recent experimentation. Special attention had to be given to the problem of the integration of gaps, relating the theory of restoration applied to protected cultural heritage with the world of contemporary art. In support of the intervention a three-dimensional survey of the artwork has been created using the “Structure from motion” technique. The project ended with the enhancement and redevelopment of the entire area through the setup of a dedicated website and explanatory panels.


Journal of Mosaic Research


Visual Arts and Performing Arts,Archeology

Reference9 articles.

1. Argan 1988 G. C. Argan, “Mosaico d’amicizia fra i popoli. esposizione permanente di mosaici di artisti contemporanei”, L. Angelo (ed.), Intervention, AIMC, Ravenna, 7-15.

2. Bittelli 2002 G. Bittelli, “Moderne tecnologie e strumentazioni per il rilievo dei beni culturali”, Atti VI Conferenza Nazionale ASITA, Perugia, IX-XXIV.

3. Brandi 1963 C. Brandi, Teoria del restauro, Torino.

4. Carra 2022 I. M. Carra, Opere di mosaico contemporaneo presso il Parco della Pace a Ravenna. Il restauro della fontana Le chaos et la source de vie di Claude Rahir, I sistemi informatici a sostegno della valorizzazione e della comunicazione: la tecnica Structure from Motion e i siti web, Unpublished Master Thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna, Ravenna.

5. Coccia 2021 C. Coccia, Il Parco della Pace a Ravenna. Progetto di recupero e valorizzazione dei mosaici contemporanei esposti all’aperto. Il restauro della fontana Le chaos et la source de vie di Claude Rahir, Unpublished Master Thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna, Ravenna.

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