Audiovisual Competences in Times of COVID-19: The Role of Educational Actors in Media and Digital Learning of Adolescents


Suing Abel1ORCID,Arrobo-Agila Juan-Pablo1ORCID,Coronado-Otavalo Ximena2ORCID,Galarza-Ligña Viviana2,Reascos-Trujillo Amparo2


1. Departamento de Ciencias de la Comunicación, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Educación y Humanidades, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, Loja 110107, Ecuador

2. Escuela de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador-Ibarra, Ibarra 100112, Ecuador


This research arises from the need to know the elements that have an impact on the audiovisual competencies of adolescents during the confinements provoked to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The purpose is to diagnose the development of audiovisual communication skills among Ecuadorian adolescents as a contribution to sustainability, based on the intervention of educational actors. The methodology is qualitative, with a descriptive approach. The instruments used were: focus groups with parents, students, and teachers from public and private institutions in Ecuador; semi-structured interviews with experts: and non-participant observation. It can be concluded that adolescents acquire audiovisual skills, processes, and languages autonomously before entering college, but they do so without the social context, ethical values and responsibilities that should be part of complete media learning. The demands of online learning during the pandemic have resulted in the development of skills and attitudes, but they have not led to full media literacy. It is pertinent to provoke innovations and updates in the curricula of higher education, specifically in the careers of social communication, in order to be aware of the technological changes on the basis of deontological principles and in favour of democratic values, tolerance, and responsibility with the sustainability of nature and people.




Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law,Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment,Geography, Planning and Development,Building and Construction

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