Microstructural, Biomechanical, and In Vitro Studies of Ti-Nb-Zr Alloys Fabricated by Powder Metallurgy


Karakurt Eyyup Murat1,Cetin Yuksel2,Incesu Alper3ORCID,Demirtas Huseyin3,Kaya Mehmet4ORCID,Yildizhan Yasemin2,Tosun Merve2,Huang Yan1ORCID


1. BCAST, Institute of Materials and Manufacturing, Brunel University London, Uxbridge, London UB8 3PH, UK

2. TUBITAK, Marmara Research Center, Life Sciences, Medical Biotechnology Unit, Kocaeli 41470, Turkey

3. TOBB Technical Sciences Vocational School, Karabuk University, Karabuk 78050, Turkey

4. Machinery and Metal Technologies Departmant, Corlu Vocational School, Tekirdag Namik Kemal University, Tekirdag 59830, Turkey


This study investigated the microstructures, mechanical performances, corrosion resistances, and in vitro studies of porous Ti-xNb-10Zr (x: 10 and 20; at. %) alloys. The alloys were fabricated by powder metallurgy with two categories of porosities, i.e., 21–25% and 50–56%, respectively. The space holder technique was employed to generate the high porosities. Microstructural analysis was performed by using various methods including scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive spectroscopy, electron backscatter diffraction, and x-ray diffraction. Corrosion resistance was assessed via electrochemical polarisation tests, while mechanical behavior was determined by uniaxial compressive tests. In vitro studies, such as cell viability and proliferation, adhesion potential, and genotoxicity, were examined by performing an MTT assay, fibronectin adsorption, and plasmid-DNA interaction assay. Experimental results showed that the alloys had a dual-phase microstructure composed of finely dispersed acicular hcp α-Ti needles in the bcc β-Ti matrix. The ultimate compressive strength ranged from 1019 MPa to 767 MPa for alloys with 21–25% porosities and from 173 MPa to 78 MPa for alloys with 50–56% porosities. Noted that adding a space holder agent played a more critical role in the mechanical behaviors of the alloys compared to adding niobium. The pores were largely open and exhibited irregular shapes, with uniform size distribution, allowing for cell ingrowth. Histological analysis showed that the alloys studied met the biocompatibility criteria required for orthopaedic biomaterial use.


EPSRC Future LiME Hub

PhD studentship

the Republic of Turkey Ministry of National Education




General Materials Science

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