Experiences of Inter-Hospital Transfers (IHT) by Patients and Relatives during the COVID-19 Pandemic in France: A Qualitative Study


Chauliac Nicolas12ORCID,Salome Germain1,Cheucle Juliette3,Cochennec De Biase Lou3,Galia Perrine1,Thomas Audrey1,Grimaud Olivier4,Philippe Jean-Marc5ORCID,Vignaud Philippe1,Prieto Nathalie1


1. Centre Régional du Psychotraumatisme Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Hôpital Edouard Herriot, Hospices Civils de Lyon, F-69003 Lyon, France

2. Research on Healthcare Performance (RESHAPE), INSERM U1290 & Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Domaine Rockefeller, F-69008 Lyon, France

3. Faculté de Médecine Lyon-Est, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, F-69008 Lyon, France

4. Univ Rennes, EHESP, CNRS, Inserm, Arènes-UMR 6051, RSMS-U 1309, F-35000 Rennes, France

5. Direction Générale de la Santé, Ministère de la Santé et de la Prévention, F-75007 Paris, France


Background: The first wave of the COVID-19 epidemic led to a rapid and unexpected saturation of the French ICU, forcing the health care system to adapt. Among other emergency measures, inter-hospital transfers were carried out. Objective: To assess the psychological experience of patients and their relatives regarding inter-hospital transfers. Methods: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with transferred patients and their relatives. A phenomenological study design was used to examine subjective experiences and their meanings for the participants. Results: The analysis found nine axes pertaining to the experiences of IHT (inter-hospital transfers), grouped in three super-ordinate themes: Information about inter-hospital transfers, differences in patients’ and relatives’ experiences, and host hospital experience. It appears that patients felt little impacted by the transfers, unlike relatives who experienced intense anxiety when the transfer was announced. Good communications between patients and their relatives resulted in a good level of satisfaction regarding their host hospitals. COVID-19 and its somatic consequences seem to have had more psychological impact on the participants than the transfers by themselves. Conclusion: Our results suggest that there are limited current psychological consequences of the IHT implemented during the first wave of COVID-19, although the involvement of patients and their relatives in the organization of the IHT at the time of transfer could further limit them.


French Ministry of Health (Ministère de la santé et de la prévention)




Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health








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