Parametrization of Horizontal and Vertical Transfers for the Street-Network Model MUNICH Using the CFD Model Code_Saturne


Maison AliceORCID,Flageul CédricORCID,Carissimo BertrandORCID,Tuzet Andrée,Sartelet KarineORCID


Cities are heterogeneous environments, and pollutant concentrations are often higher in streets compared with in the upper roughness sublayer (urban background) and cannot be represented using chemical-transport models that have a spatial resolution on the order of kilometers. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) models coupled to chemistry/aerosol models may be used to compute the pollutant concentrations at high resolution over limited areas of cities; however, they are too expensive to use over a whole city. Hence, simplified street-network models, such as the Model of Urban Network of Intersecting Canyons and Highways (MUNICH), have been developed. These include the main physico-chemical processes that influence pollutant concentrations: emissions, transport, deposition, chemistry and aerosol dynamics. However, the streets are not discretized precisely, and concentrations are assumed to be homogeneous in each street segment. The complex street micro-meteorology is simplified by considering only the vertical transfer between the street and the upper roughness sublayer as well as the horizontal transfer between the streets. This study presents a new parametrization of a horizontal wind profile and vertical/horizontal transfer coefficients. This was developed based on a flow parametrization in a sparse vegetated canopy and adapted to street canyons using local-scale simulations performed with the CFD model Code_Saturne. CFD simulations were performed in a 2D infinite street canyon, and three streets of various aspect ratios ranging from 0.3 to 1.0 were studied with different incoming wind directions. The quantities of interest (wind speed in the street direction and passive tracer concentration) were spatially averaged in the street to compare with MUNICH. The developed parametrization depends on the street characteristics and wind direction. This effectively represents the average wind profile in a street canyon and the vertical transfer between the street and the urban roughness sublayer for a wide range of street aspect ratios while maintaining a simple formulation.


Agence Nationale de la Recherche




Atmospheric Science,Environmental Science (miscellaneous)

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