A Roof Refurbishment Strategy to Improve the Sustainability of Building Stock: A Case Study


Ruá María J.1ORCID,Pitarch Ángel M.1ORCID,Arín Inés1ORCID,Reig Lucía1ORCID


1. Mechanical Engineering and Construction Department, Universitat Jaume I, 12071 Castellón de la Plana, Spain


The aging of the building stock in most cities highlights the relevance of refurbishment to achieve sustainability. Current refurbishment practices are often short-sighted and do not encompass holistic strategies beyond energy saving. This research study aims to analyze the factors involved in roof refurbishment versus current decision-making determinants. The objective is to identify the barriers that hinder their implementation and to find arguments to support roof renovations. A multicriteria analysis, which considered environmental, economic and performance factors, was employed to select optimal roof refurbishment solutions. This study evaluated five solutions. With interviews held with construction professionals and a survey of experts and homeowners, the preferences and criteria for making decisions about roof refurbishments were analyzed. Simulation tools were then used to estimate the energy savings, payback periods and environmental impact for a representative building in the study area. The results were extrapolated to a neighborhood level. The results highlight the importance of considering factors, such as weight, cost and user preferences when selecting suitable refurbishment solutions. The findings not only estimate the potential energy savings and carbon emission reductions in the area but also underscore the relevance of roof refurbishments for prolonging a building’s life span to contribute to sustainability.


Instituto Valenciano de Competitividad Empresarial



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