The Upemba National Park (Upper Congo Basin, DR Congo): An Updated Checklist Confirming Its Status as an African Fish Biodiversity Hotspot


Katemo Manda Bauchet1ORCID,Snoeks Jos23,Chocha Manda Auguste1,Abwe Emmanuel1ORCID,Mukweze Mulelenu Christian1234ORCID,Ilunga Kayaba Micheline Kasongo1,Kiwele Mutambala Pacifique1,Ngoy Kalumba Lewis1,Vreven Emmanuel J. W. M. N.23


1. Unité de Recherche en Biodiversité et Exploitation Durable des Zones Humides, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Lubumbashi, Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of the Congo

2. Ichthyology, Section Vertebrates, Royal Museum for Central Africa, Leuvensesteenweg 13, B-3080 Tervuren, Belgium

3. Research Group of Fish Diversity and Conservation, Biology Department, KU Leuven, Charles Deberiotstraat 32, B-3000 Leuven, Belgium

4. Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Kolwezi, Kolwezi, Democratic Republic of the Congo


An annotated checklist of the ichthyofauna of the Upemba National Park, draining part of the Upper Lualaba basin and situated in the southern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, is presented, based on a literature review, a re-examination of museum collections, and a study of recent collections (2012–2020). In total, 247 native and 1 introduced species, Heterotis niloticus, are reported. The native species belong to 78 genera, 26 families, and 15 orders. Of these, 45 species (18%) are endemic to the park, 35 species (14%) await formal description, and 5 taxa (2%) need further study to clarify their status. With 51 species, the Cyprinidae is by far the most species-rich family, followed by the Mormyridae (26), Mochokidae (26), Alestidae (18), Distichodontidae (18), Amphiliidae (17), and Cichlidae (16). The remaining families are represented by less than 15 species. Comments about the species distribution and the fish fauna shared with adjacent ecoregions are provided. Although the park provides some protection for the fish species living within its borders by limiting human access to the core zone, the annex and buffer zones are both subject to strong anthropogenic pressure. These observations underscore the need for the implementation and further elaboration of fish-related preservation guidelines and plans to enable better protection/conservation of the park’s ichthyofauna.




Nature and Landscape Conservation,Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous),Ecological Modeling,Ecology

Reference106 articles.

1. Mammifères;Mission;Exploration du Parc National de l’Upemba (1946–1949),1954

2. Introduction;Mission;Exploration du Parc National de l’Upemba (1946–1949),1966

3. UICN/PACO (2010). Parcs et Réserves de la République Démocratique du Congo: Évaluation de L’efficacité de Gestion des Aires Protégées, UICN/PACO.

4. Le Parc National de L’Upemba. Son histoires—Son intérêt;Symoens;Publ. De L’université D’elisabethville,1963

5. Verheyen, R. (1951). Exploration du Parc National de l’Upemba, Institut des parcs Nationaux du Congo Belge.







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