Very High-Resolution Satellite-Derived Bathymetry and Habitat Mapping Using Pleiades-1 and ICESat-2


Le Quilleuc Alyson,Collin AntoineORCID,Jasinski Michael F.,Devillers Rodolphe


Accurate and reliable bathymetric data are needed for a wide diversity of marine research and management applications. Satellite-derived bathymetry represents a time saving method to map large shallow waters of remote regions compared to the current costly in situ measurement techniques. This study aims to create very high-resolution (VHR) bathymetry and habitat mapping in Mayotte island waters (Indian Ocean) by fusing 0.5 m Pleiades-1 passive multispectral imagery and active ICESat-2 LiDAR bathymetry. ICESat-2 georeferenced photons were filtered to remove noise and corrected for water column refraction. The bathymetric point clouds were validated using the French naval hydrographic and oceanographic service Litto3D® dataset and then used to calibrate the multispectral image to produce a digital depth model (DDM). The latter enabled the creation of a digital albedo model used to classify benthic habitats. ICESat-2 provided bathymetry down to 15 m depth with a vertical accuracy of bathymetry estimates reaching 0.89 m. The benthic habitats map produced using the maximum likelihood supervised classification provided an overall accuracy of 96.62%. This study successfully produced a VHR DDM solely from satellite data. Digital models of higher accuracy were further discussed in the light of the recent and near-future launch of higher spectral and spatial resolution satellites.




General Earth and Planetary Sciences

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