Recent advances in biomaterials offer new possibilities for brain tissue reconstruction. Biocompatibility, provision of cell adhesion motives and mechanical properties are among the present main design criteria. We here propose a radically new and potentially major element determining biointegration of porous biomaterials: the favorable effect of interstitial fluid pressure (IFP). The force applied by the lymphatic system through the interstitial fluid pressure on biomaterial integration has mostly been neglected so far. We hypothesize it has the potential to force 3D biointegration of porous biomaterials. In this study, we develop a capillary hydrostatic device to apply controlled in vitro interstitial fluid pressure and study its effect during 3D tissue culture. We find that the IFP is a key player in porous biomaterial tissue integration, at physiological IFP levels, surpassing the known effect of cell adhesion motives. Spontaneous electrical activity indicates that the culture conditions are not harmful for the cells. Our work identifies interstitial fluid pressure at physiological negative values as a potential main driver for tissue integration into porous biomaterials. We anticipate that controlling the IFP level could narrow the gap between in vivo and in vitro and therefore decrease the need for animal screening in biomaterial design.
Swiss National Science Foundation
Gebert Rüf Stiftung
Whitaker International Fellowship