The World as a Gift: Scientific Change and Intelligibility for a Theology of Science


Marcacci Flavia1,Oleksowicz Michał2ORCID


1. Faculty of Philosophy, Pontifical Lateran University, 00184 Rome, Italy

2. Faculty of Theology, Nicolaus Copernicus University, 87-100 Toruń, Poland


“Truth” and “cause” are essential issues in theology. Truths of faith are meant to remain solid and fundamental and can be traced back to the unique truth of God. The same God is conceived of as the Creator who brought everything into existence before every other cause. Recent discussions about scientific rationality and causality have engaged with the same ideas of “truth” and “cause”, even though they have done so according to different methodologies and from different points of view. Can those discussions stimulate theology, and if so, in what manner? In this paper, we begin by considering the subject of scientific change and rationality, arguing that scientific change leads to the recognition of the connection between any scientific theory and what remains intelligible in nature. Next, we show some of the outcomes from new mechanistic philosophy, focusing on the idea of cause, which unveils a strong correspondence between epistemology and ontology and provides a unique way of speaking about causality. Finally, we conclude that science can support theology through new approaches to nature and that a theology of science is required today as an intertwined perspective between science and theology. The main virtue that guides this approach is humility.


National Science Centre, Poland




Religious studies

Reference67 articles.

1. Sosa, Ernest, and Tooley, Michael (1993). Causation, Oxford University Press. First published 1971.

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3. Spiazzi, Raimondo M. (1964). Aristotelis Libros Perì Hermeneias et Posteriorum Analyticorum Expositio, Marietti.

4. Pera, Ceslao, Marc, Pietro, and Caramello, Pietro (1967). Summa Contra Gentiles, Marietti.

5. Barnes, Jonathan (1976). Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics, Clarendon Press.

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