The Possible Role of Modular Nuclear Reactors in District Heating: Case Helsinki Region


Värri Konsta,Syri SannaORCID


To answer the challenges presented by climate change, all aspects of our energy systems have to carry out a rapid transition towards decarbonisation. This is especially true for the European heating sector that still relies heavily on fossil fuels. District heating systems have been traditionally praised for their efficiency, but replacing old fossil fuel based combined heat and power (CHP) plants is an ongoing challenge, and also the sustainability of biomass as a large-scale option can be considered questionable. Small modular nuclear reactors are one of the potential sources of future CO2-free district heat production. We evaluate the suitability and cost-effectiveness of these plants for district heating through literature review and scenario modelling. The technical aspects of small modular reactors seem promising but there is still a significant amount of uncertainty around both their costs and deployability. The scenario modelling assesses the investment in 300 MWdh of new district heating capacity in the Helsinki Metropolitan area in 2030 either as a CHP plant or as a heat-only boiler. The results indicate that a modular nuclear heat-only boiler could be profitable, while profitable investment in a modular nuclear CHP plant relies heavily on future electricity market price levels.




Energy (miscellaneous),Energy Engineering and Power Technology,Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment,Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Control and Optimization,Engineering (miscellaneous)

Reference69 articles.

1. Minister Tiilikainen: Finland to Ban Coal in 2029—Incentives Package for Faster Phase-Out

2. Climate Protection

3. Finland’s Seventh National Communication under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

4. Valtuustoaloite Helsingissä: Pienet ydinreaktorit jauhamaan kaukolämpöä koteihin [Council Motion in Helsinki: SMRs to Provide District Heating for Homes];Juuti;Yle,2017

5. Valtuusto—Pöytäkirja 11.12.2017/Pykälä 112 [Council—Minutes of Meeting 11.12.2017/Section 112]

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