The Meeting of Micropeptides with Major Ca2+ Pumps in Inner Membranes—Consideration of a New Player, SERCA1b


Zádor Ernő1ORCID


1. Institute of Biochemistry, Albert Szent-Györgyi Faculty of Medicine, University of Szeged, Dóm tér 9, H-6720 Szeged, Hungary


Calcium is a major signalling bivalent cation within the cell. Compartmentalization is essential for regulation of calcium mediated processes. A number of players contribute to intracellular handling of calcium, among them are the sarco/endoplasmic reticulum calcium ATP-ases (SERCAs). These molecules function in the membrane of ER/SR pumping Ca2+ from cytoplasm into the lumen of the internal store. Removal of calcium from the cytoplasm is essential for signalling and for relaxation of skeletal muscle and heart. There are three genes and over a dozen isoforms of SERCA in mammals. These can be potentially influenced by small membrane peptides, also called regulins. The discovery of micropeptides has increased in recent years, mostly because of the small ORFs found in long RNAs, annotated formerly as noncoding (lncRNAs). Several excellent works have analysed the mechanism of interaction of micropeptides with each other and with the best known SERCA1a (fast muscle) and SERCA2a (heart, slow muscle) isoforms. However, the array of tissue and developmental expressions of these potential regulators raises the question of interaction with other SERCAs. For example, the most abundant calcium pump in neonatal and regenerating skeletal muscle, SERCA1b has never been looked at with scrutiny to determine whether it is influenced by micropeptides. Further details might be interesting on the interaction of these peptides with the less studied SERCA1b isoform.




Filtration and Separation,Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous),Process Chemistry and Technology

Reference108 articles.







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