Oribatid Mites in a Humid Mediterranean Environment under Different Soil Uses and Fertilization Management


Bosch-Serra Àngela D.1ORCID,Orobitg Jordi2,Badia-Cardet Martina1ORCID,Veenstra Jennifer L.1ORCID,Perramon Bernat3ORCID


1. Department of Chemistry, Physics, Environmental and Soil Sciences, University of Lleida, Avda. Alcalde Rovira Roure 191, E-25198 Lleida, Spain

2. Independent Scientist, Carrer Església 14, E-08692 Puig-Reig, Spain

3. Garrotxa Volcanic Zone Natural Park, Generalitat de Catalunya, E-17800 Olot, Spain


Measuring soil quality and the use of indicators for its evaluation is a worldwide challenge. In Garrotxa Volcanic Zone Natural Park (northeastern Spain), different parameters related to oribatid mites as indicators of soil quality were evaluated under different land uses: forest, pasture, and a biennial double-crop rotation of forage crops. In forage crops, previous fertilization management (one based on mineral fertilizers, three on cattle manure, and one using both types) was also evaluated. Three samplings (April, June, and September) were performed over one season. Fifty-four oribatid species belonging to 28 families were identified. Abundance was the lowest in June for all land uses (average of 1184 individuals m−2). In the study period, abundance, diversity (Shannon index, H’), and dominance (Berger–Parker index, d) varied with different land uses, with the highest values of abundance and H’ in forests (9287 individuals m−2 and 2.19, respectively) and the lowest dominance in forests (d = 0.29) without differences between the other uses. Additionally, in the studied parameters, no differences were associated with previous fertilization management in forage crops. Hypochthoniella minutissima, Xenillus (X.) tegeocranus characterized the forest system, Epilohmannia cylindrica minima the forage crops, and Tectocepheus sarekensis the pasture. In pasture, the dominance of the parthenogenetic species Tectocepheus sarekensis raises concerns about potential management constraints.



Reference72 articles.

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