Assessing the Durability and Acoustic Performance of a Novel Two-Layer Pavement System


Tekampe Sabine1ORCID,Oeser Markus12ORCID


1. Institute of Highway Engineering, RWTH Aachen University, 52074 Aachen, Germany

2. Federal Highway Institute, 51427 Bergisch Gladbach, Germany


In the quest for more sustainable pavement solutions, this study demonstrates the successful strengthening of a unique noise-reducing two-layer road surface. While existing noise-reducing pavements reveal high acoustic efficiency, they lack mechanical strength, and earlier research efforts addressed the optimization of the individual components of this system, and a comprehensive perspective on its integrated performance remained elusive. Therefore, this research bridges this knowledge gap through an in-depth laboratory evaluation, in which the requirements for the realization of a full-scale demonstrator were defined, followed by a comprehensive performance assessment in terms of acoustic and mechanical strength. The post-construction assessment reveals the system’s multifaceted strengths, considering noise reduction, resilience under heavy traffic, pavement deflections, and skid resistance, assessed by CPX measurements, accelerated pavement tests using the MLS 30, skid resistance tests employing the pendulum test, as well as the slow-moving longitudinal friction test (MicroGriptester) and falling weight deflectometer (FWD) measurements. Although the optimized system implies lower noise-reduction potential, it exhibits great strength compared to previous noise-reducing pavements. In general, the system offers viable noise mitigation solutions for urban highways, particularly in settings where traditional noise abatement measures are constrained by space. The insights from this study serve as a valuable reference for the development and evaluation of innovative road engineering materials and technologies.


Federal Ministry of Education and Research




Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law,Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment,Geography, Planning and Development,Building and Construction

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