A Benchmark Data Set for Long-Term Monitoring in the eLTER Site Gesäuse-Johnsbachtal


Lippl Florian1ORCID,Maringer Alexander2ORCID,Kurka Margit1,Abermann Jakob1,Schöner Wolfgang1,Hirschmugl Manuela13ORCID


1. Department of Geography and Regional Sciences, University of Graz, 8010 Graz, Austria

2. Nationalpark Gesäuse, 8913 Admont, Austria

3. Joanneum Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH, DIGITAL—Institute for Digital Technologies, 8010 Graz, Austria


This paper gives an overview over all currently available data sets for the European Long-term Ecosystem Research (eLTER) monitoring site Gesäuse-Johnsbachtal. The site is part of the LTSER platform Eisenwurzen in the Alps of the province of Styria, Austria. It contains both protected (National Park Gesäuse) and non-protected areas (Johnsbachtal). Although the main research focus of the eLTER monitoring site Gesäuse-Johnsbachtal is on inland surface running waters, forests and other wooded land, the eLTER whole system (WAILS) approach was followed in regard to the data selection, systematically screening all available data in regard to its suitability as eLTER’s Standard Observations (SOs). Thus, data from all system strata was included, incorporating Geosphere, Atmosphere, Hydrosphere, Biosphere and Sociosphere. In the WAILS approach these SOs are key data for a whole system approach towards long term ecosystem research. Altogether, 54 data sets have been collected for the eLTER monitoring site Gesäuse-Johnsbachtal and included in the Dynamical Ecological Information Management System – Site and Data Registry (DEIMS-SDR), which is the eLTER data platform. The presented work provides all these data sets through dedicated data repositories for FAIR use. This paper gives an overview on all compiled data sets and their main properties. Additionally, the available data are evaluated in a concluding gap analysis with regard to the needed observation data according to WAILS, followed by an outlook on how to fill these gaps.


Austrian Academy of Science



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