The Use of Magnetic Porous Carbon Nanocomposites for the Elimination of Organic Pollutants from Wastewater


Anjaneyulu Bendi1ORCID,Rana Ravi2,Versha 2,Afshari Mozhgan3ORCID,Carabineiro Sónia A. C.4ORCID


1. Department of Chemistry, Presidency University, Rajanukunte, Itgalpura, Bangalore 560064, Karnataka, India

2. Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Baba Masthnath University, Rohtak 124001, Haryana, India

3. Department of Chemistry, Shoushtar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shoushtar, Iran

4. LAQV-REQUIMTE, Department of Chemistry, NOVA School of Science and Technology, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, 2829-516 Caparica, Portugal


One of the most significant challenges the world is currently facing is wastewater treatment. A substantial volume of effluents from diverse sources releases numerous pollutants into the water. Among these contaminants, organic pollutants are particularly concerning due to the associated risk of being released into the environment, garnering significant attention. Rapid advancements in agriculture and industry on a global scale generate vast volumes of hazardous organic compounds, which eventually find their way into natural systems. Recently, the release of industrial wastewater has been increasing, due to the progress of numerous businesses. This poses a danger to humans and the environment, leading to environmental contamination. The application of carbon nanocomposites in applied nanotechnology has recently expanded due to their large surface area, substantial pore volume, low preparation cost, and environmental resilience. Expanding the use of nanomaterials in water treatment is essential, as magnetic carbon nanocomposites consistently demonstrate an efficient elimination of pollutants from water solutions. In the current study, we have highlighted the application of magnetic porous carbon nanocomposites in removing organic pollutants from wastewater.


FCT/MCTES, Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia and Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior

Scientific Employment Stimulus—Institutional Call



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