Enhanced Electrophoretic Depletion of Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate with Methanol for Membrane Proteome Analysis by Mass Spectrometry


Said Hammam H.1,Doucette Alan A.1


1. Department of Chemistry, Dalhousie University, 6274 Coburg Road, Halifax, NS B3H 4R2, Canada


Membrane proteins are underrepresented during proteome characterizations, primarily owing to their lower solubility. Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) is favored to enhance protein solubility but interferes with downstream analysis by mass spectrometry. Here, we present an improved workflow for SDS depletion using transmembrane electrophoresis (TME) while retaining a higher recovery of membrane proteins. Though higher levels of organic solvent lower proteome solubility, we found that the inclusion of 40% methanol provided optimal solubility of membrane proteins, with 86% recovery relative to extraction with SDS. Incorporating 40% methanol during the electrophoretic depletion of SDS by TME also maximized membrane protein recovery. We further report that methanol accelerates the rate of detergent removal, allowing TME to deplete SDS below 100 ppm in under 3 min. This is attributed to a three-fold elevation in the critical micelle concentration (CMC) of SDS in the presence of methanol, combined with a reduction in the SDS to protein binding ratio in methanol (0.3 g SDS/g protein). MS analysis of membrane proteins isolated from the methanol-assisted workflow revealed enhanced proteome detection, particularly for proteins whose pI contributed a minimal net charge and therefore possessed reduced solubility in a purely aqueous solvent. This protocol presents a robust approach for the preparation of membrane proteins by maximizing their solubility in MS-compatible solvents, offering a tool to advance membrane proteome characterization.


National Research Council of Canada










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