Ethnobotanical Documentation of the Uses of Wild and Cultivated Plants in the Ansanto Valley (Avellino Province, Southern Italy)


Motti Riccardo1ORCID,Marotta Marco1,Bonanomi Giuliano1,Cozzolino Stefania1,Di Palma Anna2


1. Department of Agricultural Sciences, University of Naples Federico II, 80055 Portici, Italy

2. Research Institute on Terrestrial Ecosystems, National Research Council (IRET-CNR), 00015 Monterotondo Scalo, Italy


With approximately 2800 species, the Campania region has the richest vascular flora in southern Italy and the highest number of medicinal species reported in the Italian folk traditions. The study area is inserted in a wide rural landscape, still retaining a high degree of naturalness and is studied for the first time from an ethnobotanical point of view. By analyzing local traditional uses of wild plants in the Ansanto Valley area, the present study aims to contribute to the implementation of ethnobotanical knowledge concerning southern Italy. To gather ethnobotanical knowledge related to the Ansanto Valley, 69 semi-structured interviews were carried out through a snowball sampling approach, starting from locals with experience in traditional plant uses (key informants). A number of 117 plant species (96 genera and 46 families) were documented for traditional use from a total of 928 reports, of which 544 were about medicinal plants. New use reports on the utilization of plants for medicinal (5) and veterinary applications (8) in the Campania region and the whole Italian territory were outlined from our investigations. Sedum cepaea is reported as a medicinal plant for the first time in Italy and in the whole Mediterranean basin.


PSR-GAL “Irpinia, Sannio, Cilsi” project. Misura 16 “Cooperazione”

Misura 16 “Cooperazione”

Tipologia di Intervento 16.1.1 Azione 2: Sostegno ai Progetti Operativi di Innovazione




Plant Science,Ecology,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics







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