Primary Barriers of Adherence to a Structured Nutritional Intervention in Patients with Dyslipidemia


Del Razo-Olvera Fabiola MabelORCID,Martin-Vences Angélica J.,Brito-Córdova Griselda X.,Elías-López Daniel,Landa-Anell María Victoria,Melgarejo-Hernández Marco AntonioORCID,Cruz-Bautista IvetteORCID,Manjarrez-Martínez Iliana,Gómez-Velasco Donají VerónicaORCID,Aguilar-Salinas Carlos AlbertoORCID


Purpose: To describe the primary barriers to adequately adhering to a structured nutritional intervention. Patients and methods: A total of 106 participants diagnosed with dyslipidemia and without a medical nutrition therapeutic plan were included in this two-year study conducted at the INCMNSZ dyslipidemia clinic in Mexico City. All patients were treated with the same structured strategies, including three face-to-face visits and two telephone follow-up visits. Diet plan adherence was evaluated at each site visit through a 3-day or 24-h food recall. Results: Barriers to adhere to the nutritional intervention were: lack of time to prepare their meals (23%), eating outside the home (19%), unwillingness to change dietary patterns (14%), and lack of information about a correct diet for dyslipidemias (14%). All barriers decreased significantly at the end of the intervention. Female gender, current smoking, and following a plan of more than 1500 kcal (R2 = 0.18 and p-value = 0.004) were associated with good diet adherence. Participants showed good levels of adherence to total caloric intake at visit 2 and 3, reporting 104.7% and 95.4%, respectively. Adherence to macronutrient intake varied from 65.1% to 126%, with difficulties in adhering to recommended carbohydrate and fat consumption being more notable. Conclusion: The study findings confirm that a structured nutritional intervention is effective in reducing barriers and improving dietary adherence and metabolic control in patients with dyslipidemias. Health providers must identify barriers to adherence early on to design interventions that reduce these barriers and improve adherence.




Food Science,Nutrition and Dietetics







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