Examining Liver Cancer Patients and a High-Risk Group in a Vulnerable Area: An Experience from the Ulleung Liver Cancer Prevention and Management Project


Ryu Dong-HeeORCID,Lee Yu-Mi,Park Ji Mi,Tak Won YoungORCID,Hong Nam-Soo


Ulleung county is a small island on the eastern side of the Korean peninsula. The Ulleung Liver Cancer Prevention and Management Project was launched in order to minimize newly developing liver cancer within this region. Population-based regional cancer registry data were analyzed to investigate the status and characteristics of registered liver cancer patients. The Interagency Workgroup of the project provided a special screening program from 1 November to 3 November 2018, and from 23 April to 25 April 2019, undertaking liver cancer screening and health behavior surveys. Logistic regression analysis was used to determine factors associated with recent liver cancer screening. In Ulleung county, hepatocellular carcinoma was identified as the main type of liver cancer, accompanied by a high incidence of hepatitis B. Approximately 25.0% of the participants were not aware of their liver condition. People who were aware of their liver condition and those who reported a general understanding of hepatitis B were more likely to have undergone recent liver cancer screening. To prevent the development and spread of the disease in the community, adequate infrastructure for cancer screening and an enhanced monitoring system are required, along with measures to create awareness to periodically determine liver condition in high-risk groups.




Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health

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5. Ministry of Health and Welfarehttp://kosis.kr/statHtml/statHtml.do?orgId=117&tblId=DT_117N_A11109&conn_path=I2.








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