3D WebGIS for Ephemeral Architecture Documentation and Studies in the Humanities


Spreafico Alessandra1ORCID,Chiabrando Filiberto1ORCID


1. Politecnico di Torino, Department of Architecture and Design, Viale Mattioli, 39, 10125 Torino, Italy


The documentation and visualization of ephemeral CH, especially for World’s Fairs architecture, remains a neglected endeavor on the global scale. While digital products like 3D models find extensive application in CH, the use of a WebGIS has scarcely been explored in this domain. When a WebGIS is used for CH, it serves to communicate the output of research, not as a tool to support the development of the research itself. Moreover, aspects like procedural development for the creation of a WebGIS platform, its upgrading, and its long-term preservation are key factors for the maintenance of the digital tool, but they have scarcely been considered in the literature. Through the Turin 1911 project, this paper defines a procedure for the creation of a WebGIS for ephemeral architectural documentation, showing how a WebGIS platform can be designed, implemented, tested, and maintained. The novelty of this study lies in the creation of a 2D/3D WebGIS based on a tailored spatial database; the WebGIS is coupled with a dedicated website for the constant updating of the research data documenting the Turin 1911 International Exposition. The discussion emphasizes the transformative role of a WebGIS in not only sharing information but also serving as a dynamic platform for conducting digital humanities studies in 3D environments.


University of California, San Diego










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