Stock performance prediction plays an important role in determining the appropriate timing of buying or selling a stock in the development of a trading system. However, precise stock price prediction is challenging because of the complexity of the internal structure of the stock price system and the diversity of external factors. Although research on forecasting stock prices has been conducted continuously, there are few examples of the successful use of stock price forecasting models to develop effective trading systems. Inspired by the process of human stock traders looking for trading opportunities, we propose a deep learning framework based on a hybrid convolutional recurrent neural network (HCRNN) to predict the important trading points (IPs) that are more likely to be followed by a significant stock price rise to capture potential high-margin opportunities. In the HCRNN model, the convolutional neural network (CNN) performs convolution on the most recent region to capture local fluctuation features, and the long short-term memory (LSTM) approach learns the long-term temporal dependencies to improve stock performance prediction. Comprehensive experiments on real stock market data prove the effectiveness of our proposed framework. Our proposed method ITPP-HCRNN achieves an annualized return that is 278.46% more than that of the market.
Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes,Computer Science Applications,Process Chemistry and Technology,General Engineering,Instrumentation,General Materials Science
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13 articles.