Description of Two New Species of Stauroneis Ehrenberg (Naviculales, Bacillariophyceae) from the Russian Far East Using an Integrative Approach


Bagmet Veronika B.1,Abdullin Shamil R.1ORCID,Nikulin Vyacheslav Yu.1ORCID,Nikulin Arthur Yu.1ORCID,Gorpenchenko Tatiana Y.1ORCID,Gontcharov Andrey A.1ORCID


1. Federal Scientific Center of the East Asia Terrestrial Biodiversity, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 159, 100-Letia Vladivostoka Prospect, Vladivostok 690022, Russia


Stauroneis (Naviculales, Bacillariaceae) are widespread, mostly in fresh-water habitats, and account for 343 species. They are described mainly on the basis of morphology and morphometric traits. These characteristics vary during life cycles and may overlap between species, making their identification difficult. We isolated two strains of naviculoid diatoms and examined them using an integrative approach (phylogenetic, morphological, ultrastructural data, and life cycle). Phylogenetic analyses based on chloroplast rbcL gene data showed affinity of the new strains to the genus Stauroneis. Our algae share morphological features typical of Stauroneis but differ from similar species in minimal valve length measurements, valve apex shape, and minimal number of striae in 10 μm. Two strains are distinct from each other in maximal valve length and width, partially valve shape, the number of areolae in 10 μm, and cingulum structure. It was revealed that the strains reproduce via isogamy. Three species delimitation methods (ASAP, PTP, and GMYC) also confirmed that the two closely related new strains represent distinct species. Based on molecular data and phenotypic traits examined within the framework of an integrative approach, we describe two new isolates as Stauroneis urbani sp. nov. and Stauroneis edaphica sp. nov.


Russian Science Foundation



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